

Piotr Cholewa

My name is Piotr Cholewa. I was born in 2000. I was introduced to classical music very early in my life thanks to my Mother, who would play for me CDs with music of famous composers. She also worked at school, where was a room with a piano, which I was allowed to try to play on. I quickly began fascinated by the beauty of music and wanted to play an instrument.

My musical education started when I was 5 years old, firstly piano, but after several months I switched to violin. I began interested in composing music around 14, when I was heavily influenced by music of J.S. Bach, whose works for me still are the very pinnacle of any music I can think of. Due to my interest in His music, I tried to write fugues and other contrapuntal music. Baroque style is still very close to my heart and I still compose music using baroque idiom.

In high school, I began interested in late romanticism and symphonic music, when my teacher acquainted me with Mahler. From then I also try to compose romantic and orchestral music.

Currently I am studying Viola at Academy of Music in Poznan, Poland. I also work as a church organist. Besides playing an instrument, composing music is my greatest passion. I think only a person who plays music and creates his own is fully a musician. I doesn't matter in which style is your music, the aim of music should be to express yourself and to allow you and listeners to look inside oneself.